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Radio Advertising

Radio advertising is a cost-effective way to reach a wide audience. Targeted by the choice of radio station used, it can be creative without the need for expensive visuals.


Jingles make the most of the link between music and memory. Once you’ve built up brand awareness, it only takes a quick jingle to trigger a consumer’s recall of your products and services.
The most common form of radio advertising, a spot is an advertiser-produced commercial message for broadcast. Good for both brand awareness and response.
Catch listeners when they are most engaged by sponsoring radio shows or segments. It is a subtle way of building awareness through repetition, associating your brand with content your consumers love.
Live Reads
The ultimate in brand association, a live read is when your commercial message is read out by a radio show’s host as part of the main content of a show.

How is it measured?

Listenership can indicate how many people have heard a radio advertisement. RAJAR are the governing body for listenership figures.

How is it bought?

After choosing station and/or programming, radio advertising can be bought in 15, 30, 60, and even 90 second slots. This is then bought on a cost per thousand basis.


All radio advertising must follow the codes and guidelines set out in the Broadcast Advertising Code (BCAP). Many stations will require content of radio ads to be pre-approved by Radiocentre.


of the UK adult population tune in to their selected radio stations each week


is the average time a listener tunes in to live radio per week


of new music discoverers still consider radio important for finding new tracks

Benefits of Radio Advertising


Millions of Brits tune in to the radio daily. This is a longstanding media platform that all ages find comfort in. Even if it’s simply background noise, radio advertising has an exceptionally wide reach.


Radio has the ability to create an emotional connection with its audience of loyal listeners: most will listen to the same station throughout their life. Advertisers share that loyalty by association.


The nature of radio makes it easy to target the right audience. Use a specific show or station that aligns with your brand and products, or choose a specific time of day (such as peak commuter time).


Radio advertising allows for frequent repetition: driving awareness and increasing the likelihood of listeners remembering your brand. An average listener tunes in to 20 hours of live radio weekly.


Radio advertisements can still be digested even when not being actively listened to. Consumers can be doing a wide range of activities whilst the radio provides background entertainment.


Radio offers short lead times and relatively low-cost production, making it ideal for promoting tactical advertising messages at short notice. Airtime is also comparatively cheap compared to other media.

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