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Print Advertising

Print advertising is a longstanding, trusted and effective route for many of our partners, particularly those who are targeting more mature and discerning audiences.


Display & Classified Newspaper and Magazine Advertising

Display advertising appears in the main editorial body of the title in question, generally surrounded by content. Classified advertising is generally grouped under different headings classifying the product or service being offered, such as Motors, Travel, Property etc.

Advertorials and Special Features

An advertorial is a print advertisement or special advertising supplement that has been deliberately written and designed to resemble editorial content. Under UK advertising guidelines, advertorials and special features must be clearly marked as commercial content.

Inserts and Special Supplements

Inserts are promotional matter inserted in a magazine or newspaper. They may be bound into the publication (“bound in”) or be inserted without binding (“loose”). Special supplements are effectively multi-page inserts that may also contain advertorial content.

Cover Wraps and Other Creative Executions

A creative execution is anything that isn’t straight advertising: cover wraps, different stock, non-standard ad shapes and more. Ideal for adding impact to big budget campaigns.

  • How is it measured?

    Print advertising is measured by the circulation and readership of each publication used.
  • How is it bought?

    Print advertising is bought either on the basis of cost per thousand (CPT) or by single column centimetre (SCC)

  • Compliance

    All print advertising must follow the codes and guidelines set out by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and Committees of Advertising Practice (CAP).


    adults in the UK read the print version of a national newspaper


    is the time readers spend with the daily newspaper, longer with Sunday edition


    of people trust content that they see in news brands

    Source: Newsworks: the marketing body for the UK’s national news publishers

    Benefits of Print Advertising


    Print products can be kept and referred to in the future. Often found in public spaces, they are passed around, cherished, and usually viewed by more than one reader. Print has longevity.


    Consumers consciously choose the titles they read, ensuring engagement with a loyal readership who have a positive relationship to the content whether editorial, advertising or advertorial.


    Print is a tangible product that can be widely shared in a public space without the need for a device or internet connection. There’s no scrolling and content can often be taken in with one glance.


    The long-form format can carry a lot of information: useful for explaining and demonstrating product features in an environment with a naturally long dwell time (how long someone spends looking at an ad).


    Newspaper and magazines are trusted media. Give your products and services credibility through the “halo effect” and at the same time enjoy the same positive emotions that the title itself provokes.


    Booking and production deadlines on print, especially for newspapers, are short compared to other channels. Get your message to market quickly and amend copy right up to the last moment.

    Engage your target audience

    Get in touch with one of our Media Brokers today