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Digital Advertising

Digital advertising is one of the most effective ways for businesses of all sizes to expand their reach, find new customers, and diversify their revenue streams.


There are five core types of digital advertising:
Search are the text-based ads that appear on the results pages of a search engine such as Google. They appear based on what the user is searching for.
Display, or banner ads are the advertisements that you see on websites and apps. Most display ads conform to a set of standard sizes defined by the IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau)

Social media ads appear on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and, for business, LinkedIn. They come in a wide variety of formats and placements, and can often incorporate eye-catching and/or engaging creative.


Video advertising can serve as a channel as well as a format. This entails advertising on platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo.


Native advertising is where the ads match the look, feel and function of the digital format in which they appear. Native content can take the form of standalone content or appear as part of a news feed.

  • How is it measured?

    Digital advertising success is measured through impressions (ad views), clickthrough rate (CTR), and cost per conversion/acquisition (direct sales from advertising). These metrics help optimise strategies and maximise returns on investment.

  • How is it bought?

    In digital advertising, you can buy impressions based on cost per mille (CPM), clickthroughs based on cost per click (CPC), or conversions based on cost per action (CPA). Campaigns can have a fixed duration or continue until the desired metric is reached.

  • Compliance

    All digital advertising must follow the codes and guidelines set out by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and Committees of Advertising Practice (CAP).


    of the UK population were internet users in 2022


    average time spent online per day


    awareness and purchases from well-executed digital ad display campaigns.
    Source: Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB): the UK’s industry body for digital advertising

    Benefits of Digital Advertising


    Digital advertising allows you to target a specific audience whether that is a local customer base, a demographic or internet users that searched or expressed interest in your product, or a similar product, before.


    No need to make a phone call or visit a shop: digital advertising usually provides a way for potential customers to make an immediate purchase via an online shop. They see, they click, they buy!


    Web analytics allow measurement of digital campaigns in real-time, meaning that most metrics can be assessed and optimised for better results. Poor performance can be fixed sooner rather than later.


    Digital advertising offers depth to interactions via social media. Consumers can comment, share and like your posts to create a bridge between customer and brand, deepening relationship and loyalty.


    Thanks to over 4.5bn active internet users on desktop, mobile, tablet, the reach you can achieve is immense. Even a very small local business now has the ability to reach an international audience.


    Digital advertising can be extremely cost-effective, especially if you are using a cost-per-click or cost-per-conversion model. Digital advertising also has a low entry level compared to other media.

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